DTT Standards

DTT Standards: DTT Meets National Standards to Improve Instruction


  • DTT standards for social, emotional, and behavioral competence of students, identified from research and theory about healthy personality development, produce increasingly responsible behavior at school and at home.

  • Key DTT indicators are aligned with benchmarks to the general education curriculum.

  • Specified instructional practices for teachers and paraprofessionals are directly linked to student needs for developmental competencies in Behavior, Communication, Socialization, and Cognition.


  • Sequentially planned academic lessons and other learning activities are matched to student’s current learning objectives and capacity to achieve success.

  • Learning materials are selected to challenge students to increased levels of competence.

  • Flexible scheduling and timely adjustments in individual student programs are assessment-based.

  • Motivating curriculum content is selected for relevance to students’ experiences and development.

  • Instruction and behavior management strategies are matched to students’ developmental and learning objectives.

Student Learning

  • Students with Gain in expected standards for social, emotional, and behavioral competence, with increased participation, personal responsibility, and academic achievement.


Response to DTT interventions is measured by multiple accountability systems:

  • Students demonstrate adequate yearly progress (AYP) in social, emotional, behavioral, and learning competencies specified for their individual stage of development (DTORF-R GroupProgress Forms).

  • Teachers demonstrate specific proficiency levels in using the practices indicated by the assessment of students’ developmental needs (teachers’ DTRITS proficiency scores).

  • Schools demonstrate that teachers and students have the necessary administrative support for student progress. (Administrative Support Checklist)

  • School systems assess indicators of a mentally healthy school environment such as reduced disciplinary actions, increased attendance, and improved achievement (DTORF0R Group Progress Forms).


DTT Effectiveness